2022-09-16 23:01:11 apache virtual hosts Apache has an "Add Virtual Host" form, where you can add 2 values: New Virtual Host Name and New Virtual Host Directory. Submitting this form will edit *vhosts.conf* in the Apache configuration files, as well as the system *hosts* file.

On windows the *hosts* file is located in: "C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts"
2020-03-20 21:22:32 good grammar The importance of grammar

There is not much to be said. Reading bad grammar is like being
invited into a house and led on a tour only to trip on missing
floorboards and to hit your head on unfinished wall corners. I
have to put up extra time and effort to evade mistakes done by
my host. It is like if he or she does not care about my time.
2020-03-08 23:50:55 harmony "Harmony. That is the truth of what you must seek" - Street Fighter V's Gill
beginning of battle quote.

I have been struggling with the concept of balance throughout my life. It
implies paying attention to multiple things, in varying amounts depending on
the importance or the priority of each thing. Instead of just concentrating on
one thing, to achieve balance you must essentially do the right thing at the
right time in the right place constantly. Even thinking about it is taxing.

Isn't it better to just concentrate on one thing? It is my experience that the
concept of multitasking is simply not achievable. Even in a computer there is
mostly the illusion of executing multiple actions at the same time. Multi-
core technology has certainly permitted different instructions to be executed
simultaneously, but then again, we are only talking about sand.

For a person, having multiple focuses makes no sense. I think no one will
dispute that we are only able to focus on one thing, and change to another
thing once we are satisfied with that thing's current state. Then again maybe
there are superhumans who can perform the feat. I am just not one of them.

If there is anything that I am truly learning about after becoming a father is
the inordinate amount of time that I used to have and waste. It is possible
that no time is truly wasted, but I cannot believe that. Now I spend most of
my time taking care of things that I need to take care of and dream of the
days when I spent most of my time doing things that were not really necessary.

I suppose it is true that you do not ever really know of the value of something
until it is lost.
2018-08-30 02:12:47 tmux! i finally feel i found the reason why the command line is absolutely worth my time
2018-05-08 13:07:46 apache! php! mysql! on a chromebook! Hello! It is frustrating that sometimes you have to revisit a problem with a good load of patience. If you don't understand something (linux) you must surrender yourself to bash snippets you find on stackoverflow. It's not bad, but it in the real world, if you have trouble with a specific skill, you are usually able to self-correct through observation, criticism and practice. This does not seem to be the case for some types of systems at all.